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Clipper Wheel Resurfacing Prices

Ace Sharpening & Co takes great care in how your clipper wheel is
resurfaced. The lathe compound that cuts the taper on your wheel
has been completely rebuilt from the ground up by a professional
machine re-builder in Detroit Michigan.
The ways have been hand scraped to within 1/10 of a thousandth
which is the closest tolerance possible. The screw and the nut have
been replaced with a new screw and a new nut. The compound is
tight and true and has no play anywhere; it cuts a straight and true
taper that is very smooth.
The reason I tell you this is because as the clipper wheel is the heart
of your sharpening operation the compound that cuts the taper on
your wheel is the heart of your clipper wheels taper. If the taper is off
even a little then your blades will not cut like they should.
There is more to cutting a perfect taper than just the compound, but
you have to start with a compound that is up to the task otherwise
everything else is in vain. I learned this the hard way; as a result I will
never allow my compound to ever be compromised in any way. It is
the heart of the whole matter when it comes to clipper bade
That said Ace Sharpening & Co has the best prices for resurfacing
your clipper wheels. Here is how it works, there are two price ranges
that your wheel will fit into according to size, single sided, or double
Resurfacing prices

(Turnaround time is approximately 1 to 2 weeks)
Featuring the new "Compound taper" or a standard straight taper.
(your choice.)
1. $300.00 plus shipping - 12” to 24” double-sided wheels with
the same taper on both sides or with a taper and a true flat side
2. True flat, there is never an extra charge for a true flat side or
for a section on your clipper wheel.
3. Free Modifications -To change your one-sided clipper wheel
to a double-sided clipper wheel, (there is no extra charge.)
We now resurface the old Andis 21" clipper wheels that have a neck instead of the standard hub area.
Questions? Call me; 816-510-8744

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